
NCSL Board of Directors Meeting-June 21, 2001

Meeting called to order at 7:35PM.

Roll call shows a quorum.

Clubs not present: Burtonsville, Falls Church, Fauquier, Savage and Takoma Park.

Minutes are approved from the last meeting.

R&D-Ray Greenberg- Continue to have problems with parents. Handout gives the rankings for clubs based on average point count. Also a handout for teams with highest points for the last three seasons. If you have any questions about the handout, e-mail Dennis Quicker. Is $500. too much for teams to pay if there is an issue. There have been no appeals since the fee was raised. Is it the money or do teams feel they just don't have a chance? First level of appeal is ours, then it can go to the governing state.

Registrar-Gloria Gallagher- Va.- In the package for the club reps, an estimate was made as to the number of teams for the fall. A memo is included that you will have to zerox and put in each folder. You cannot use any membership or player passes that you now have. E-mail her if you do not have enough packages. Practice before you print out your passes. There is an orange sheet in the folder with deadlines. Remember, teams contact club reps who them contact registrars.

Registrar-Mike Basileo-Md.- Md. has a handout with passes for each team. The database program has been revised and should be on the web site in a couple of days. Don't use old cards.

Scorekeeper-Carol Baker- When listing division co-ordinators for scores, please be sure you have someone who will serve. Lots of names were put on forms that people didn't know they had been volunteered.

President's Report- Structure may need some additional people. Please see Jeff after the meeting if you are interested. Went to VYSA with small sided motions. They were both soundly defeated. The topic has been raised before in USYSA and they feel that the states should decide. VYSA feels it should be left to the local groups. Have not been to Maryland yet. NCSL has passed as a group that Step-in-AR's are mandated for fall U12 and U13 teams. Teams may not play if they so not have them. Only about one half of the teams have registered and trained people so far. Teams may have full-fledged referees to fill this position. Will schedule and announce the final schedule of classes. You need to get back to your teams and let them know that they will not play. ncslsiar@aol.com is a mailbox that everyone can use for questions and information. Everytime we get a class scheduled we will get it on the front page of the web site. Right now coaches, ass't. coaches and managers are not allowed to be your person. Teams would also forfeit league fees. SIAR trainees must be 16, although referees are accepted as young as 12 and can be used.

Motion made by CSC, seconded by VISTA.
Motion to accept the 2001-2002 budget.
The budget takes out the additional employee but this is offset by a $3.00 across the board referee increase. Team fee is still slightly below last year. Motion passes
. Does the increase in fees get more referees? If officers agree that this is not worth it, we will get together and vote again.
Be sure your teams fill out scheduled request forms. Each team must fill out the special request if a coach coaches two teams. Carol Baker gave a presentation on the scheduling program that Demosphere uses. The club reps need to realize that how they put the fields in can determine number of home games,etc.

The issue of U10 and changing the tie breaker so that teams do not run up the score will be on the fall agenda.

Motion to adjourn made at 9:07PM. Motion passes.