

NSCL BOD Meeting – March 25, 2004

NSCL BOD Meeting – March 25, 2004

The meeting was called to order at 7:34 PM.

Roll call shows a quorum.  Clubs not present : BAYS, SEVP and TAPK.

Minutes are approved

Ray Greenberg- VP, R&D – All R&D sit-outs have been posted as has the new R&D manual .  The add for volunteers has generated responses. 

Mike Basilio – MD Registrar – No report, but if MD reps have questions, Mike is available.

Lisa Willson – VA Registrar – VA reps should check their packages before they go to the registrar.  Remind coaches that releases require signed paperwork.  Jeff Skigen reiterated that releases should be accomplished without delay.

Kathleen Sessions-Administrator – There are 5 newly dropped teams.  Byes are generated by these drops and teams will play 8 games.  The Hotline for inclement weather only is 703-791-2656.  Closed fields will also be posted on the web.  Closed fields still need to be called into Kathleen.  Packets will be distributed at the end of the meeting.

John Ellis-Consultant on Player Development – A new season is always exciting.  Coaches should look to train enjoyment and development in the game.

Debi Honaker - Fairfax Police Youth Club – Fairfax County Soccer Council is concerned about a 1.67 million in cost recovery plan that seeks revenue from field fees.  Soccer clubs are being mobilized to oppose the County fees.  Fees are in the budget so it will be very difficult to have them removed.  All Fairfax County clubs should work with the advocacy plan to lobby for fee removal.  The CountySupervisor and Chair need to be contacted.

Jeff Skigen-President’s Report – Jeff presented a proposal from the Football Association in England to use the NCSL website as a link to the FA Learning site.  FA Learning will pay for the web exposure and this will provide an opportunity to see if website advertising could be lucrative.  Jeff has not yet seen the curriculum.  Jeff believes it to be a quality product but will review it and report back to the board.  Consensus is that there is interest but questions need to be answered.  The committee looking into website advertising has not been viable.  There is only one volunteer.

DC United – Steven Zak & Mike Karloff – For two years there has been an attempt to build a relationship between NCSL and DC United.  April 3 is the opening.  Freddie Adu is expected to play.  The upper bowl will not be opened.  Conversations have occurred with DC officials concerning a new stadium site.  The site being considered would be reachable by multiple means.  DC United wants to be an important part of club soccer.  NCSL night is May 8.  Brochures are available to pass out to all your teams.  DC United and NCSL are open to ideas for new and better ways to collaborate.

New Business

Budget - Roger Ney is not present.  A motion is made to accept the budget for discussion.  MSYS fee increases are not reflected in the budget.  The MD AGM meeting is in May and the VA AGM is in June, too late for the NCSL budget.  If the budget is adopted there will likely be a fee increase. 

The budget for U12 has a discrepancy for assigning fees.  Without objection, it will be corrected. The motion passes.

Motion: The NCSL 2004-2005 budget may require modification due to fee increases from MSYSA and VYSA.  Any such fee increase will be passed through without markup.  The motion passes.

Calendar – A motion is made to accept the calendar for discussion.  The calendar is adjusted to include 9 weekends for play.  Tony Falcone, BETH says this is a problem for their tournament.  Flexibility is better for the fall.

Motion for amendment:  The NCSL fall 2004 season should begin on Saturday September 11 and shall finish on Sunday, November 7 with November 6, 13, and 14 reserved for league-wide rainouts.  Motion passes.

Calendar as amended is adopted.

Motion from Arlington:  To add the following language to the language of Section III, (Rules of Play for NCSL Games) paragraph B:


“Players may not wear metal cleats of any kind in NCSL games.  Players may wear non-metal cleats with internal metal screws or supports as long as no metal part of the cleat is exposed.  Per Section IV, Paragraph A.2.f), within these guidelines the referee will determine whether a player’s shoes are safe.”

Motion seconded for discussion.

Steven Lent, ARL, says the issue is safety.  Ray Green berg commented that the motion may  have enforcement problems.  Tony Falcone BETH commented that teams need to work through the referee.  Paul Ellis commented that FIFA already has specific rules for equipment.

The motion fails.

Other Business:

·Schedules are posted tonight as well as field loading. 

·Teams at Occoquan, Bull Run and SoccerPlex need to abide by the rules to allow continued usage.

·Jeff Skigen reminds the board that DC united needs to be supported in order for it to be beneficial to NCSL.  Leverage will get their attention.

·The Flyer for the Freedom First Tournament is available.

Meeting is adjourned at 8:40.


Respectfully submitted,


Claire Filemyr