The meeting was called to order at 7:30PM.
Roll call shows a quorum. Clubs not present: Baltimore Bays, Fort Washington, Lee-Mt. Vernon, Mid-County, Reston, Severna Park, Stafford, Washington Soccer Club.
(Minutes from the June 24, 2004 meeting will be voted on at the next NCSL Meeting.)
R&D-Sit outs are posted on the website, players and teams are responsible to check the list and serve any sits outs due for the Fall ’04 season. New game cards are in the Club Rep’s NCSL packet. Instruct team managers to toss any prior game cards they have in reserve.
Kathleen Sessions- Administrator - Rain out procedure reminders: Check the fields early, Kathleen must hear by 9AM or two hours prior to a game begins whether it is closed. Club reps are to report closed fields by phone as soon as possible. Closed fields will be posted on the NCSL website the field name will be in bold print and underlined. Anyone in the League can call 703-791-2656 to check field closures. She must hear from us before she can contact the ref assignors to rescheduled games cancelled due to field closures.
Wait list teams the returned checks are in the packets.
Bull Run Regional Park, Occoquan Regional Park and the Soccer Plex – remind your teams to review the rules concerning these parks. It’s most important that they follow the rules. Rules are posted on website.
Schedules are already up. Full field loading is on the club rep page tonight. The packets will be given out after the meeting tonight.
Ann Maynes-Treasurer- Md. Fees increase for U9-U10 $7.00 increase a team, U11-U19-$9.00 a team. Virginia’s fee increase $1.00 a player. The NCSL will bill clubs in the spring.
John Ellis-Player Development- U9-U10 meeting was held this Tuesday August 31, 2004. John spoke to the coaches & managers explaining the philosophy of a U9-U10 team. John emphasized that the coaches use this period of time to develop their teams.
Talk about creating the right environment. If you go out to the soccer world and mention NCSL – they believe this is a league of excellence. The NCSL is here for the best interest of the players. Make sure the clubs know who their coaches are. The League is dependent upon you to develop your teams. Make sure the ground work has been set to form solid foundation in the player technical skills. It is most important that this foundation begin to be formed at the u\U9-U10 age group.
Lisa Wilson-Virginia Registrar – No complaints for NCSL club reps. Feb 4th & 5th VSYA workshop – Coach of the year nominations are due 9/7/04. Volunteer of year due in Dec.
Ray Greenberg-President
President’s Report to BOD Meeting Sept 2, 2004
I have been very busy representing the league:
- Transitional meeting with Jeff Skigen
- Meeting with Kathie Diapolis, WAGS president- goal is to make the leagues work better together.
- Elected as the VYSA Boys North Travel Commissioner- this means traveling to Richmond for the monthly meeting, representing travel soccer in the northern VA area; gives me an excellent insight as to what is going on in the state of VA
- Contacted Mary Ann Kapcala, MSYSA President for a meeting to improve relationship with MSYSA. I believe it would be beneficial for the league and for both states if I could get involved with MD at the MSYSA board level.
- Plan on attending the Region I meeting next month in Delaware.
- Working with DC United to have an NCSL night that honors our division winners.
Established an NCSL Executive Committee to advise the president and to work and resolve league issues. The Executive Committee has met twice and plans on meeting on a monthly basis. Members of the committee are:
Debi Honaker, VP Ted Hermeling, CHAN
Anne Maynes, Treasurer Russ Horn, SWYA
Gina Clapp, Secretary Gary Wheeler, MSC
Claire Filemyr, MD Commissioner Howard Kohn, TAPK
Lucy Jennings, VA Commissioner Kathleen Sessions, Admin
New Committees- advertised on the web site the forming of 4 new committees: SIAR, Competition, Advertising, and Fields. Would like to get our club reps involved in serving and/or chairing these committees. WAGS has agreed to participate on the SIAR committee.
WAGS proposal on bonus to referees for doing a minimum number of games. Did not work for just WAGS. NCSL Exec. Com believed it is a good idea and we are investigating how to implement and the cost to the league.
3 Transfer rule- USYS has amended the National Championship Policy to increase the number of transfer allowed per seasonal year. As a result, VYSA passed a rules change in allow 5 tranfer/year. MSYSA has not yet met on this rule change but according to Mike Basileo MSYSA does not have any restrictions on player transfers. We should modify our rules to allow 5 transfers.
New business:
Motion on U19 structure:
Limit the division size to 8, the number of games is reduced from 9 to 7. These seven games can then be scheduled so the U19 season could be completed before Memorial Day without an additional burden of extra Saturday games. It is expected that the U19 fees would be adjusted.
Motion made by Olney, seconded by Fairfax.
Motion passes.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM.