June AGM

June AGM

The meeting was called to order. Roll call from the BOD meeting shows a quorum. Clubs not present: VSA Minutes are approved from the last meeting.

Motion: To approve all the actions of the Board of Directors and Officers since the last AGM meeting. Motion made by Port Washington. The motion was seconded by SYA.

The Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Howard Kohn will now hold the elections. I will open nominations for each position for nominations from the floor. When we have all the nominations, we will vote at the end of the process. The slate is as follows: President: Ray Greenberg Vice-President: Debi Honaker Secretary: Gina Clapp Treasurer: Anne Maynes

I will now open the floor for nominations for each office. President-Ray Greenberg. Are there additional nominations? Seeing none and that the office is uncontested a vote was called. The vote was unanimous for Ray Greenberg as President. Vice-President - Debi Honaker- Are there additional nominations? Seeing none and that the office is uncontested a vote was called. The vote was unanimous for Debi Honaker as Vice President. Secretary -Gina Clapp - Are there additional nominations? Seeing none and that the office is uncontested a vote was called. The vote was unanimous for Gina Clapp as Secretary. Treasurer -Anne Maynes - Are there additional nominations? Seeing none and that the office is uncontested a vote was called. The vote was unanimous for Anne Maynes as Treasurer. Motion to accept the slate as listed made by Frederick Excel. SYA seconded the motion.

Motion passes.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35PM