

NCSL BOD Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2006

Meeting was called to order at 7:35PM. Roll call was taken. The following teams were not present: Freestate, Great Falls, Herndon, Lee Mt. Vernon, Loudon, Mid County, Severna Park, Senecca, Stafford, Southwestern, Vienna, and Waldorf.

Correction to be made to the March 23, 2006 meeting minutes. PAC training should read PCA training and the spelling of Claire Filemyr's last name needs correcting. Minutes were accepted by the board unanimously.

Maryland Commissioner – Claire Filemyr - Please remember to contact the Commissioners if you have any issues or problems.

Virginia Commissioner - Lucy Jennings - concurred with Claire's report.

Maryland Registrar - Mike Basileo – Maryland’s on line will be available for the 06-07 seasons. Email was sent to all Md. Club Presidents asking for a contact person who will be working with the on line system. MSYSA will be setting up training at the Club level. The training will be via Web Ex training provided by the vendor. Anyone interested in seeing the basics that this system can provide go to the MSYSA website and check out the system. Contact persons will need to go to the MSYSA website and make a reservation for their training.

Virginia Registrar - Lisa – Virginia will be using new player passes for the fall 06-07 season. Please do not us prior play passes, they will not be accepted. Ray Greenberg also added that teams should only be using NCSL game cards that were handed out in the Spring 06 season packets. DO NOT USE GAME CARDS HANDED OUT IN PRIOR SEASONS. The game cards include the updated information concerning length of games and player substitutions rules for the referees.

Rules & Discipline - Kurt Kleese – So far this season R&D has only had one hearing. Gary Grosicki is encouraging the clubs to take more responsibility in handling some of the R&D issues.

Administrator - Kathleen Sessions– packets ready at the end of the meeting.

Secretary - Gina Clapp – New book just released titled -Soccerheads by Jim Haner. Book is very interesting with some history of the game here in the U.S. and stories about the team Jim Haner coached at College Park Boys & Girls Club.

Treasurer - Ann Maynes - Received an invoice for team’s playing at Bull Run. (WAGSL, NCSL & Virginia State Cup were billed). The invoice has been divided up according to the number of games Virginia clubs played on these fields.

Vice President - Debi Honaker – nothing to report.

President Report – Ray Greenberg

Referee coverage: VA- Tarey Houston appears to be doing a fine job; she had a tough first weekend when we had all the rain. Sharon Deplitch has been a great asset for Tarey; Sharon has put in a lot of effort training and helping Tarey. MD- I have been working closely with CASRA this season. The problem area has been Montgomery County. CASRA has informed me that they are bringing in referees from other areas to help with the coverage in Montgomery County. Referee assignors have reported very good coverage. I even got an e-mail from Missy Lambert, Montgomery County, who said she had everything covered except 2 U9 games. We are also tracking coverage based on the feedback that we have asked our scorekeepers to track. Lucy Jennings has prepared a spreadsheet that tracks coverage based on the field on a weekly basis. Coverage has been outstanding!

Ellis Goalkeeper Clinic for Coaches: John Ellis has held his goalkeeper clinics for NCSL coaches both in Virginia and Maryland. Attendance was about 30 coaches per session. Not much feedback but what I did receive was very positive.

U12 small sided motion: The motion will be on the agenda for the June Board of Directors meeting. If the motion passes, we will start small-sided play in the Fall 2007. Please review this motion within your clubs.

June elections: As part of the AGM, we will be electing officers for next year. Anyone interested in running for an office should submit his or her name to Howard Kohn, chair of the nominating committee. Howard can be reached via email at

Positive Coaching Alliance training: We are evaluating what training we will offer for next year. We definitely want to continue to make the training mandatory for all U9- U14 coaches and are considering making it mandatory for any new team entering the league regardless of the age group. We are also considering offering the Double Goal II workshop and a parent workshop but am looking for ways to encourage attendance without making these workshops mandatory. I am pleased to report that to the best of our knowledge ever U9-U14 coach successfully completed the PCA Double Goal I Workshop or on line training. We only had one coach that failed to complete the training by the first game of the season. This coach’s team forfeited the first game that they played and had the second game removed from the schedule; that game was forfeited and will not be rescheduled. The coach did get our message that the training was mandatory and has now completed the training. The success in getting all of our coaches PCA trained is trough the tireless efforts of our Maryland Commissioner, Claire Filemyer. Claire crossed checked all the contact information listed on the web site and tracked down each and every coach. The league wants to acknowledge her for all her hard work.

Subpoena: The NCSL received a subpoena for information concerning a custody issue for one of our players. I will provide copies of the game cards for this season for the team in question. I will redact all names except the one player in question before I send the information to the attorney. The NCSL attorney will obviously send us a bill and therefore all teams will share in the expense.

Upcoming events: May 21- MSYSA AGM in Columbia June 3- NCSL night with DC United June 17- VYSA AGM in Richmond June 22- next NCSL Board of Directors & AGM meeting

New Business: I circulated an e-mail concerning ODP travel conflicts with NCSL matches. We only had 2 or 3 requests to reschedule matches. I would like to entertain a motion from the floor that we modify our rules to grant rescheduling requests for ODP conflicts similar to the rules for middle and high school soccer activity. Motion was accepted by Fairfax. There was no discussion. Motion was passed.

Dave Shannon – spoke a little about the motion coming up in June concerning U12 playing small sided games.

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Motion accepted by Fairfax and second by Olney.