June AGM
June 22, 2009
Ray Greenberg called the AG meeting to order. Roll call indicated the following Clubs were not present: Baltimore Bays, Loudoun and Reston.
Seeing and hearing no objections, Ray Greenberg asked the board to accept the June 2008 AGM minutes. The board approved the June 2008 AGM minutes by unanimous consent.
Fort Washington made the motion to approve of all actions of the Board of Directors, Officers and Executive Committee since the last AGM. Olney second the motion. Motion accepted unanimously.
Howard Kohn - Chairman of the nomination committee will open nominations from the floor for each position. The term for both of these offices is 2 years.
The slate is as follows:
Vice President – Any Schoka. Are there additional nominations?
Seeing none and that the office is uncontested a vote was called. The vote was unanimous for Ray Greenberg as President.
Treasurer – Anne Maynes. Are there additional nominations?
See none and that the office is uncontested a vote was called. The vote was unanimous for Anne Maynes as President.
Congratulations to Andy and Anne.
Lisa Wilson made the motion to adjourn the AGM. Motion second by Mike Basileo.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Gina Clapp.