

NCSL Board of Directors Meeting

March 22, 2012

Westin Hotel-Falls Church, VA

Richard Smith called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

Roll call indicated the following Club Reps were not in attendance: CYA. FASA, FREE, POT and WWSC.

January 9, 2012 board minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

State Commissioners:

Claire Filemyr-Maryland-We had a good turnout for the two PCA courses. If you have coaches that still need to take the course, email Claire and she can send them the link for the online course. She will check to make sure everyone is up to date in early April. TSL cards are in your packets. Please explain to the teams how to use them. This is the best thing you can do to keep the sidelines calm.

Maureen Dalbec-Virginia- Please remind your home teams to make a courtesy call to the away teams in order to check directions and coordinate uniforms. Ray Greenberg sent an email to the club reps, club presidents and directors of coaching. Many clubs do not have the directors of coaching listed, please forward this email to them. If you need extra time before the March 27 deadline, please let us know.

State Registrars:

Mike Basileo-Maryland-State cup schedule is posted on website. Make sure you have the proper paperwork for your registrar.

Lisa Wilson-Virginia- No report.

Rules & Discipline-Barry Finkelstein-The sit out list is posted, please check for your teams and any players, coaches, or teams that may have joined from elsewhere last season. When you have players sitting out, make sure you tell the referee and ask him to put it on his online report. Do not mail the sitout card but keep it for a season in case there is a problem. Coaches and team officials, send in the documentation but make sure that you keep a copy. Teams should regularly check their team page for yellow and red cards, that way if there are any problems they can be sorted out early.

Administrator-Kathleen Sessions-Schedules are posted. Please let her know if there are state cup conflicts. Also, if you have a Saturday game and you are continuing on to Sunday, please notify the league as soon as possible. Please put rosters on team pages for U12 and above, need only names and jersey numbers.

Vice President-Richard Smith-

·         Requests for policy input from clubs.

Please respond to the email to club reps about meeting to collect input from technical directors/directors of coaching, etc.

“Depending on what we receive we can then decide how to proceed. We are

open to scheduling a forum to discuss what the league can do to help clubs better meet

their mission of serving their players and families while also creating an environment

for play at the highest levels possible.”


               REPLIES BY March 27.   You can send them to Ray, Richard, Kathleen, or any other Exec Board member.  


·         NCSL Sportsmanship Award Program


               Beginning in the upcoming Spring 2012 season, NCSL will offer sportsmanship awards at the U9-U14 age groups. Any team that gets a perfect sportsmanship score during the Spring season will be declared a winner, as will the team with the highest point total in every age group.


               Winners will receive tickets to a DC United game in the fall 2012, where they will be able to take a team picture with the MLS Cup Trophy, meet a DC United player, and participate in a field-level halftime ceremony.


               Sportsmanship points will be determined by referees. Points were being assigned by referees during the Fall 2011 season as a pilot program. We compiled the scores at the end of the year and found that we had only 4 teams with perfect scores. Based on those results, if we had purchased a ticket for each player and two for coaches/managers of the winning teams, then we would have spent about $2800 ($2,772).

A motion was made to approve the sportsmanship award plan. Motion passed with unanimous consent.

Treasurer-Anne Maynes- You were sent three documents explaining the budget for the 2012-2013 season. There is no increase in team fees. A motion was made to approve the budget and the motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10PM.